This website is designed to provide you with information about dynamic assessment (DA) and the Cognitive Abilities Profile (CAP).
You can read about DA and how to access training; You can find out what features DA and the CAP share and how they differ. Information on the CAP tells you what it is, who can use it, and how to access CAP materials, training and post training support.
We aim to regularly update the information and please let us know what you need to know!
Dr Ruth Deutsch and the REAL Psychology team.

A robust, reliable and
valid assessment tool
CAP is a psychological consultation tool drawing on
developmental psychology concepts, such as
Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and
Luria’s model of mental processes, as well
as the work of Feuerstein and Lidz in the
field of Dynamic Assessment.
DA concepts
operationalised in the CAP
CAP is a consultation/observational framework enabling the
benefits of dynamic assessment models to be embedded within
a framework for use by EPs with teachers and others. Components
of tasks can be analysed, without necessarily requiring individual and time-consuming direct assessment.

“The Cognitive Abilities Profile will help you apply psychology in the classroom and facilitate more effective multi-agency working”
Gail Bailey